Prayer Canopy

Frederick County Prayer Canopy

The vision is 24/7 prayer for Frederick County. Can you join us?

This an urgent call to Frederick County churches to return to the Lord in prayer and repentance, leading to community transformation. Each church picks one day a month to fill up with 24 hours of prayer (or as much as you can). We are looking for those who are Christ-centered and Bible-believing to join us to intercede for our community! May the Lamb of Glory receive in Frederick the due reward of His suffering.

We have asked people from every sector of the community (Business, Education, Government, Media, Church, non-profits, Family) to share with us the quantifiable prayer requests that they have for their part of the community. Then we asked churches to help us fill up every day of the month in order to establish a 24/7 prayer covering for Frederick.

Once again, is there not a cause? The Opioid/Substance Abuse crisis alone is taking more than 1 of our sons or daughters a week. Are the needs in our community not enough that we should ask God himself to show mercy on us and give us help in our time of need?  


“From Him the whole body, joined together and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.”